Port Orford
Oct. 29th. I am writing this from an internet café in Port Orford. Had a good day pedaling. The terrain is fairly easy riding. The hills are short and not too steep. Lot’s of sheep grazing out in the pastures. It is cranberry harvesting time hereabouts. On the uphill portions, I have been amusing myself by looking for cranberries that have blown off the trucks. When I see one that looks okay, I try to snatch it up without stopping. If I get it, I blow the sand off it and eat it.
We stopped at the post office in Langlois and thought we were going to ship some unused items home. I was headed into the Post Office when a lady we had met just a short while earlier at a store up the street got out of her car and said “Well, you didn’t make it very far.” I said that we were just stopping to ship some stuff home and she told me that the Post Office is not open on Saturday. I had completely lost track of what day of the week it was. So had Candy. We felt a little stupid. Later on though, I reflected that not knowing exactly what day it is must mean we are doing the right thing. Or doing this thing right.
The weather has been good to us today, just a couple of light sprinkles. I think we will stay in the Humbug State Park a few miles south of Port Orford tonight. We are getting close to the California border. We should be crossing the border within the next 4 or 5 days. Ron.
hey dad, just was checking out your blog and I just figured I would say hello since we havent talked in a while. I am glad to see that you guys are doing well on your endeavor and I hope it is all that you thought it would be. Just be sure to be careful and when you get back, be sure to come and visit us. I miss you and I love you dad. Love, Katie
Thanks, Katie. I love you a lot and think of you often. Dad.
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