The journey of my life.

Location: Anytown, USA, United States

I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, wife, daughter-in-law, lover, friend, and nurse. I have lived my life trying to please everyone. I'm not sure what would be left if those titles were to go away. About Ron: I am Candy's husband. My previous life before undertaking this trip was working in the paper manufacturing industry in the Pacific Northwest. I am taking this time off to have the adventure of my life, meet new people, get fit, discover our country on a more personal level, and accomplish something that I will always remember which is to circumnavigate the US on a HPV(Human Powered Vehicle). I am 52.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Winchester Bay

Winchester Bay

Oct 25. We made it to Winchester Bay today from the Tahkenitch Lake campground. We rode most of the way in the dry, but it started raining pretty hard just as we finished a little grocery shopping at Safeway in Reedsport. Not knowing how bad the rain would get, we thought we might ride it out to the next state campground. But, by the time we got to the small community of Winchester Bay at about 3:30 pm, just south of Reedsport, we lost our enthusiasm for continuing in the rain, and got a motel room at a pretty decent price, $48.00. It turned out to be a good decision, as it rained hard for several hours after we checked in. Somehow, I just cannot get excited about riding in the rain for several hours, then pitching camp in a driving rain, then trying to prepare dinner inside the tent, then crawling into the sleeping bag with the prospect of breaking camp in the rain the next morning. A dry room with HBO and a hot shower always seems like a much better idea.

Having no restaurants nearby did not prove to be a problem for dinner. We cooked in our room, rib-eye steaks, fried potatoes and onions from Safeway, and the piece-de-resistance, the Chanterelle mushrooms we picked on the way from Lake Tahkenitch. How did we learn about Chanterelle mushrooms, you ask? We asked a man who was picking them on the side of road. Shortly after he showed us what they looked like, and where they tended to grow, I stopped to pee and spotted some. I picked those and then we started watching for them. We ended up with a two gallon zip lock bag full of them. So anyway, I guess they were not poisonous, since I am typing this and not dead yet. Oh yeah, they are pretty tasty, too.

Candy had a low blood sugar today, just before we got into Reedsport. It was really low, at 52. It’s kind of scary when that happens. It was kind of weird, as we had just had some lunch about 45 minutes earlier. She says she needs to reduce her meds for the exercise she is getting now, and take her blood sugar more often.

I guess if it is still raining hard tomorrow, we might stay put here at the inn for another day, though I would rather keep moving. Ron.


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