The journey of my life.

Location: Anytown, USA, United States

I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, wife, daughter-in-law, lover, friend, and nurse. I have lived my life trying to please everyone. I'm not sure what would be left if those titles were to go away. About Ron: I am Candy's husband. My previous life before undertaking this trip was working in the paper manufacturing industry in the Pacific Northwest. I am taking this time off to have the adventure of my life, meet new people, get fit, discover our country on a more personal level, and accomplish something that I will always remember which is to circumnavigate the US on a HPV(Human Powered Vehicle). I am 52.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

My sister may very well be a stalker, a nice stalker, but a stalker just the same.

It was very important to her to be at our departure of our 3 year journey. Sense we passed her office I expected to say good bye as we passed and we did. Right after passing Seaquest Park and a bit of a hill, passing Mardell’s (cousin) house, Claudia comes running out of the drive way. We visit with family for a while, what can you do?
We pedal on to Chuck’s to fill up with water and rest after the big hill; we visit with tourists from India that was checking out the bike. Claudia drives up, we visit, what can you do? We finally get out on Delemeter road and Claudia goes driving by.

The next morning as we are leaving Delemeter and heading up hill on Woodside Claudia shows up again We used her this time, she stayed behind us until we reached the top. How the road made it as a bicycle road I’ll never understand, there are no shoulders.

That night she brought cold refreshments to county line.

The next night she spent with us at Rod’s float house.

After we left the daughter and grand daughter in Astoria and nephew and new wife in Seaside, we were sure we were family free and our trip was really started. Sunday morning the room phone rings, Claudia wants breakfast, she’s in the lobby

She’s a stalker.


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