The journey of my life.

Location: Anytown, USA, United States

I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, wife, daughter-in-law, lover, friend, and nurse. I have lived my life trying to please everyone. I'm not sure what would be left if those titles were to go away. About Ron: I am Candy's husband. My previous life before undertaking this trip was working in the paper manufacturing industry in the Pacific Northwest. I am taking this time off to have the adventure of my life, meet new people, get fit, discover our country on a more personal level, and accomplish something that I will always remember which is to circumnavigate the US on a HPV(Human Powered Vehicle). I am 52.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Chat in the RV Park

We went for a short ride near our home last night and ran into some nice folks in the local RV park. We met Sheila Smith from Arkansas and one of her neighbors, Tim, and had a nice chat with them about the trike and our trip across the US. It's always nice to talk with folks about our unusual ride. Ron.


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