The journey of my life.

Location: Anytown, USA, United States

I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, wife, daughter-in-law, lover, friend, and nurse. I have lived my life trying to please everyone. I'm not sure what would be left if those titles were to go away. About Ron: I am Candy's husband. My previous life before undertaking this trip was working in the paper manufacturing industry in the Pacific Northwest. I am taking this time off to have the adventure of my life, meet new people, get fit, discover our country on a more personal level, and accomplish something that I will always remember which is to circumnavigate the US on a HPV(Human Powered Vehicle). I am 52.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Our Route Plan, Generally

Since we are getting such a late start on our adventure, we plan to head west out of Pasco WA to the town of Castle Rock WA to say goodbye to family and friends, then head for the Oregon Coast then south to Southern Cal, where we will hang a left and head across the desert southwest, hoping we can get to Arizona about the time it starts cooling off. Last night Candy and I had a good ride on the trike. We first rode to a restaurant and had some dinner, then rode down to the river bike path. Once there we noticed a band was playing on the other side of the river, so we decided to go over and investigate. On the way across the blue bridge bike/pedestrian walkway, I saw trouble ahead. There was an electric wheelchair coming our way and no room to pass. We did not want to try to back up down the narrow walk, so we dismounted and had to lift the trike up to make enough room for the wheelchair to pass. Other than that, I was really pleased with how the long wheelbase was able to go around some sharp bends in the path. The trike really turns sharply if I crank hard on the steering. A few times, I've really caught Candy off-guard with a fast maneuver. She curses at me a little and then calms down. We had to utilize our dynamo powered 12 volt lighting system for the first time last night. We were able to navigate the river bike path in total darkness with no problem. While we were at the park on the Kennewick side listening to the band I mentioned earlier, the couple we parked next to realized who we were from the newspaper article and engaged us in a lot of question and answer about our trip. We seem to generate a lot of interest wherever we go on this machine. Most people wish us well and express that they are somewhat envious.


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